User set up

Giving Your Staff Access to PeopleVine

Updated over a week ago

It is crucial to invite your staff as users to Peoplevine to make the most out of the software and to best serve your members. When you invite your staff to Peoplevine, they will be able to view the information stored in the software.

A "user" is a staff member or other representative of your company who has access to the Control Panel. This is different than a "person" which refers to your members. Your members are your "people" in the CRM.

This article will walk you through adding and editing user profiles in Peoplevine.

Manage Users

How to Manually Add A User

  • From your dashboard, click on your location's name in the top left corner.

  • Click Manage Users.

  • Click Manually Add User.

  • Fill out the Create a User form. You will need your new user's first name and email address. You will also have the option to select their main location (if this has already bee configured by your Onboarding team),phone number, Employee ID, upload a photo and select which version of the dashboard to configure them in. 'Pro' is the full control panel experience, suitable for admin, or advanced users. 'Standard' is suited to new users who are adjusting to the platform.

  • Set their permissions or access level. The permission levels or access levels are described next to their titles.

  • Once all required fields are filled out, click Create User.

How to Edit a User's Profile

  1. From your dashboard, click on your location's name in the top left corner.

2. Click Manage Users.

3. Scroll down to the user you would like to edit and click Edit to the right.

4. Here you will be able to change any field on the user's profile including their permission or access level.

5. Once you have made the changes click Update User.

How to Terminate a User

If you would like to terminate a user, follow the step 1 - 3 in How to Edit a User's Profile and then:

  • Scroll down to Permissions and the drop-down called Set User Status. Choose Inactive from the dropdown.

  • Click Update User to save the changes.

  • This user will no longer be able to log in to Peoplevine.

How to Require a User to Change Password on Next Login

Follow the step 1 - 3 in How to Edit a User's Profile and then:

  • Scroll down to Permissions and the drop-down called Set User Status. Choose Required to Change Password on Next Login from the dropdown.

  • Click Update User to save the changes.

  • Your user will now be prompted to change their password on their next login.

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