Payment Processors

Accepting & processing payments in Peoplevine is critical to your success on our platform. Get transactions up and running in seconds.

Updated over a week ago

Choosing a payment processor

In order to start accepting payments in these sections, you must activate a default payment processor. Peoplevine currently supports the following a number of payment processing providers to enable payments.

Please note that Peoplevine has two core front-end products: 1) Headless and 2) React. Please ask your Sales representative or Account Manager for clarity if you are unsure of which you are using. (headless only)

Card Connect (headless only)

Stripe (react and headless)

  • Visit to sign up

  • When in Stripe, choose "integrated by another platform" and put Peoplevine 

  • Stripe supports credit card payments only

  • They are integrated strictly as a processor and no customer data or other info is shared with them.  Peoplevine is the platform to manage all your billing, customers, etc. Follow the steps here once your account is live.

Go Cardless (react and headless)

  • Visit to sign up

  • Make sure that your GoCardless account is a Pro account so that you can leverage the full white-labelled experience.

  • In the Developers tab, create a new access token for Peoplevine and choose "read-write access"

  • Follow the steps here once your account is live.

Adyen (EU (headless only)

PayPal (headless only)

  • currently only available for eCommerce checkout (you must also have one of the providers enabled too) Follow the steps here to configure PayPal in Peoplevine.

Linking your Payment Processor to Peoplevine

Once you have setup your payment processor, log into Peoplevine, and navigate to the control panel by click the ⚙ cog icon on the right hand side.

Select Payment Processors under Settings and Tools.

From this panel you will be able to select your payment processor and connect it to your Peoplevine account to begin processing payments.

Using Multiple Payment Processors

Peoplevine allows you to use multiple payment processors by assigning a processor to a specific area of your business. In order to setup a second payment processor you will need to follow the above steps.

  1. Default payment provider = all payments will be processed via this processor

  2. Membership dues & house account = subscriptions/ renewals and any open checks closed from a 3rd pty platform as an invoice to a house account (charged either on the 5th of the follkowing month or when you choose to manually).

  3. 3rd Party = POS, PMS, Spa and other integrations that close checks to a customers CRM profile

  4. Additional = allows you to capture additional payment methods and use as a back up in case the default fails.

Additional settings

When using the 'Force Payment' option, it will route all payments to that processor (therefore if it's on a Default it will force everything to that one processor). So ONLY check this box if you have multiple payment processors but want to redirect all payments to one. E.g. "I want all F&B to go to Stripe." or "I want all Dues to go to GoCardless", otherwise please keep the box unchecked.

Split Payments

Leverage split payments to automatically split the payment to be processed amongst multiple processors. This can be useful if you have a smaller business within a larger entity or an agreement between two different departments in your business.

Once you've setup the main processor, you can link to it below. Contact our Support team for further information

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